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Osho: Indian mystic (1931-90), legal name: Rajneesh Chandra Mohan, for times also called Bhagwan; enlightenment 1953; professor for philosophy; settled down in Poona 1974, where his Ashram attracted many seekers from the West; in 1981 Osho went to the US, where in Oregon a big community (Ranch / Rajneeshpuram) was built up around him; 


After the dissolving of this community Osho settled down in Poona again in 1987, where he left his body in 1990 after a long illeness. Till these days his Ashram in Poona is visit by seekers from all over the world. 


From the Oshos lectures were made a great amount of books, several hunderts - which are read by more and more people in all parts of the world.