Here-Now-TV Satsang videos and Interviews online
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Isaac and Gaia: Even the Ego-Identification Happens Without a Doer

Interview with Isaac Shapiro and with Gaia, February 2021, questions by Yvonne, Gaia and Devasetu.

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Isaac Shapiro: That in which everything appears

Interview with Isaac Shaprio, Oct. 2020, questions from von Gaia. . Watch the video...

Torsten, Padma, Gaia and Gopal: Trauma Healing and Freedom

This talk with Padma & Torsten, Gaia and Gopal is from May 2018, questions from Devasetu from Jetzt-TV / Here-Now-TV. 

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Gaia: The Peaceful Consciousness, Always Here

Satsang with Gaia from February 2018.

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Gaia: What Remains, What I Am

Satsang with Gaia from February 2018.


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We can all take a little moment to arrive here with the attention, helpful to get in touch with the sense of touch, how the body touches the ground; the breath stretches the chest, eyes open or closed, playful, best not try to achieve a state of silence or peace or enlightenment or anything, just noticing the sense of touch. If you notice that your attention is in thinking, in future, past, we come back here. Satsang, a term from Sanskrit, Sat: truth, Sang: coming together; Vedic scriptures, what is here and not changed, with a bit of luck, our attention can capture it, with even more happiness can be noticed that it has no distance at all, with even more happiness can be noticed that what that is what I am. Happiness, because in the awareness of which the search stops, the search for enlightenment, peace, silence, freedom – they are stoping; because what you are has exactly those attributes. Gaia can not teach it, but if you have questions, he can point that out; you are what you are, nobody can teach you; this is not a lecture, but an invitation to recognize yourself. A Satsang visitor sits down at Gaia and asks questions: Is it pure luck? Yes, recognition is pure grace or luck. The attention often rests elsewhere; nothing is ours, there is no one who can do it; impulsive attention. The visitor talks about suffering and depression, “point of no return”, insights, relaxation, Satsang, everything a great paradox, mind, beyond, free; love affair with yourself and over again, Gaia asks, and now? Dedication. Sometimes we are in a waiting state. There is no beginning, in the middle of it; we are so educated. A new visitor, talks about “confirmation phase”, back pain, if she wants to meditate, housework, meditation. Gaia says there is no I, that can meditate, meditation happens or not. Meditation, knowing who you are; what you are is aware of tension, high pulse, circulation. The tip is to look, how is it that is aware of what quality. If then, there is no meditation; filter from the mind to where to arrive. Furthermore, the visitor shares her experiences with the last flu, interesting. Someone asks for meditation on the dentist chair, Gaia says, dentist chairs are the best invitation, tense nervous system; what I am is just as it is now. Somebody new is sharing, a kind of fog, body experience, happiness disturbing, exploring. Gaia initiates the exploration to look directly at what we all are, what qualities it has. Being aware of what is produces experiences that you can describe, but what remains is still indescribable, you can not share it.

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Gaia: Love is who I am and who You are, just here

Gaia in Englisch zu den Themen: Verstand, Glücklichsein, Erleuchtung und Erwachen, Heilung, Liebe, Nondualität, Traumatisierung und Beziehungen. Dieses Video ist von Februar 2018.

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Gaia: What Remains – Silent, Peaceful, No Beginning, No End, No Form, Empty and Full

Interview with Gaia in English, January 2018, questions by Devasetu.


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No teaching, but a pointing to the essential, to who you are and exploring that; what happens in Gaia’s Satsang; direct experience, explored by myself; Gaia learned from Ramana, Papaji and Isaac Shapiro; Gaia’s favourite question: How is that, what I am?; always clear: I am here and I am aware of it; what remains, when the sensations do not get the attention?; what remains: silent, peaceful, no beginning, no end, no form, a quality of emptiness and fullness; what remains, it can never disappear; it is not about blissful states; meditation: being aware of that, what remains; it is not about states like being always joyful; we are already in the midst of the dark night of the soul; identification, necessary and no problem; recognising that there is no danger at the moment for this body mind organism and that the feelings are not dangerous, they can not kill, even when they feel like that; Gaia’s approach people not the force to feel the feelings; the distinction between feelings, sensations and emotions; the results of not feeling the feelings; from Gaia’s story when he learned to express his anger; pointing to  truth in Satsang and in individual sessions; recognising that the danger is over, mental, emotionally and sensually – well being can start to happen; in single sessions different approaches depending on what the client wants; the procedure of the Silent Retreats with the invitation of not talking; about the translating of the Satsangs; Gaia’s liking of seeing people healing; about travelling; being friendly and loving the mind.

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Gaia: Everything Just Happens – No Doer

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Gaia’s offer: a pointing towards awareness itself; an invitation to bring the awareness to the absolute, to peace and silence; everything happens here and now; about the knowing of existence and the investigation of who is aware; „I am consciousness“; about Gaia’s role in his meetings; no doer; about the live Satsangs on the Internet; Gaia’s form as a reminder; about Gaia’s contact with people and how he connects with them; Gaia and his Guru Isaac Shapiro; “How can one find enlightenment if one does not know what it is?”; the longing for peace and the realization that it is already here; the right time to find or be found by a Guru; the grace that supports what wants to be seen; how different society patterns support awakening; “Cats are good Gurus”; about the understanding of freedom in the USA; the only thing that is really free is awareness.


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How to deal with people who pretend they love us: no choice, only moving patterns; to stop personal needs by awakening into That who we really are; about the great possibility to doubt and question a master and his teachings; no enlightened person, only enlightenment; how to plant peace: to begin with yourself; the essence of any religion is love; everything just happens – no doer; about the inner process of meeting painful patterns, seeing them and not stepping into them anymore; about old traditions and ignorance: to meet our own ignorance in others; to realize that there is no doer who is ignorant and be aware of the luck that you already woke up; pointing to the truth in a peaceful and harmonious way; why there is no need to fear the year 2012; the meaning of life: making experiences and waking up to know who we really are.



Since 1995 Gaia is invited to many countries by people who's interest is healing, liberation and spiritual awakening. Sensitively, humorously, easy and clear he opens up the presence, the truth, the preciousness of this direct moment. He invites to look behind our common habits and thereby to directly experience healing. The visitors of his meetings particularly appreciate his affectionate clarity and simplicity, free of any "master or guru - disguise or play-acting". You can speak to Gaia completely eased out your most personal subjects.

Meetings with Gaia - the essence:

Essence is the constant present, healing presence of your self - free of fear, fault and illness. Essence is the unconditional love for everything that appears. Essence is the energy that reaches everything, its source is never empty. Essence is always absolutely quiet and even in deepest peace full of lively energy - to every time at any place.

Gaia inspires you in dialogues or quiet meetings to recognize who you really are and to see through your limited ideas of "I". The ideas vanish and you can directly experience the freedom and peace of beingness - a dive into timeless wisdom.

Essencial healing

This healing method that has been developed by Gaia, leads to a special deep relaxation, its effect is a healing reorganisation of the nervous system and the subconsciousness. Unconscious patterns that may have stopped you to be physically or mentally healthy, can be recognized effortlessly and disappear.