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Madhukar: Realising Peace

Satsang with Madhukar from summer 2018.


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Satsang with Madhukar in Goa: "Guru is the Self - Love is the only Thing"

Watch the video Watch video part 1

Welcome to Satsang, to realize to be love, simply happiness, silence as the best teaching, the personality as a welcome guest, not interested in manifestations, free from the jungle of intellect and feelings with the help of the Guru and grace


Watch the video Watch video part 2

Great enjoyer, to find happiness, the Guru not part of a need, concentration on the Guru, inquiry: "Who am I?", no progress and no process, addiction, acceptance, nothing to do, identification with the thoughts, born free



Madhukar was born in Stuttgart in 1957. After his university studies in economics and philosophy he worked as a TV journalist in Germany. After a near death experience in the 80's, while on his search for answers to life’s philosophical and spiritual questions, he had a powerful enlightenment experience. Upon completing his training as a yoga and meditation teacher, he came to realize that his search was far from being over.


In 1992, during a stay in India, he heard reports about the “Lion of Lucknow”, a Guru in the Advaita tradition. He immediately went on a 42 hour journey across the sub-continent to meet H. W. L. Poonja, an ardent devotee of the famous Indian Sage Ramana Maharshi. Madhukar had come to his Master, who embodied the message of Advaita. Sri Poonja gave him his name, and he awakened to the understanding “who he really is."


Since returning to Europe in 1997, he has been spreading the essential knowledge of Advaita through satsang. Today Madhukar carries on the Master lineage Ramana Maharshi/H.W.L. Poonja by encouraging the people in public meetings to consequently focus on the question "Who am I?"

Being a practicing philosopher Madhukar bridges spirituality with modern sciences like neuro- and cognitive sciences, quantum physics, applied philosophy and biology. Madhukar has his residence in Amsterdam and spends the winter months in India and Nepal.


Last Updated: Feb. 6th, 2019

