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Neeru: Expression of This

These videos with Neeru are from Goa in India.


Watch the video Watch video part 1


Seeing without seeing and hearing without hearing; IT is in everything; ocean itself; sound without sound; welcome to Satsang; this – here – now; true nature; essence of all; wonder; the mind wanting always more; every moment new; eternal now – only now, this here; carnival in Goa.


Watch the video Watch video part 2


Silent Retreat in the hut bungalow village; voices after the retreat: No final point; nothing to do anymore; everything fresh now; what to say? – Nothing to say, no problem anymore; no words, only yes; so blissful here and now; melting in the ocean; dolphins in the ocean; arrived forever; nothing to do anymore; the total stop; at the marketplace with Amalias; colorful meeting of Amalias; always absolutely nothing; the divine dance – coming and going, never has been; all same same, only wonders.


MP3 audio files


Neeru: Wedding with Yourself


All her life, from childhood on, Neeru and many of us are looking, longing for something we don´t even know what we are looking for …
We are searching for completion, fulfilment, we try to find it in wordly things, in matter … in a career, in wealth, in a wonderful partner, in having children, in travelling …
But, whenever we reached what we had been longing for and sometimes even worked hard for, we had to realize that the satisfying fulfilment had not happened …
So we try again and again, all our life circling this way …
Neeru already as a child realized that this, what life presented to her “cannot be all” ...without knowing what else there could be. In childhood there still was this “remembering” of Truth,  but with the time this “remembering” faded more and more and she was searching, searching, what cannot be searched ...
Her journey guided her to peaks and deepest valleys of this lifestream – always doubting, knowing that there is more to it – until finally falling into deep periods of isolation, despair, depression and selfdestruction not knowing any more how to find a way out of it ...
Only when by Devine Grace she had  the chance to meet her Masters,  she finally could bow down in deep gratefulness in front of this big gift of having been allowed to go through all these experiences of this lifestream.
Her Masters pointed towards Eternal Clarity and she could hear them … this way starting to live what she truly IS and always had been …

She finally could live, live THIS what in its undescribable simplicity is only to be lived HERE in this very moment. THIS what she always had seen without seeing it. THIS what she always had been without realizing it … THIS what she always had overseen and taken for granted because of her desperate searching ...
Neeru shares her experiences and all embracing knowing with compassion and the intensity of her being pointing towards the Devine in everything and everyone in its total simplicity and integrating it in her expressive way in daily life. In an awakend life … an “enlightened” every day life …
