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Bernie Prior: A Wide Opening to Embrace Everything as it is

This Satsang with Bernie Prior was filmed by Devasetu in August 2010.


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The evolution of consciousness; an eternal huge process; everyone creates his own reality; we identify with the outer part of ourselves; explore deeper levels of experience; the outside is merely an expression of the light of being; we can live out of a deep inner; the male principle of pure consciousness sees the female principle of pure love; operate from a new space from inside; when we open and deepen for love we have to follow a deeper inner voice than the identification with mind and the outer world; if we want to create new kinds of relationship the body has to open beyond all fear and separation; the appearance of separation is a distorted function of mind and consciousness; a wide opening to embrace everything as it is; the masculine and the feminine are in all of us; it is about making the  full experiences from a place of consciousness; we are afraid of loving, giving and opening to the absolute divine light; this has absolutely nothing to do with the past; the fear of opening as free consciousness or as love; we know that in depth we are free, pure, full and empty; we are afraid of being that free but still we know that this would be healing for all of us.


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Mind is afraid of opening; perception is influenced by the projections we give into it; the arising of the feeling of a separate self; the forgetting of our true being; the dance of human attraction; we were never separate; separation was a distortion; to expand attraction to all existence; to testing of going beyond any doubt and fear will never end; it is not about being a perfect partner; to be true to the depth of the own being; to be as truthful as we can to dissolve our body-mind identity; life simplifies when we are true only; the seeing of the one in all things; only if we risk the leap into cosmic consciousness healing of mankind can happen; the nature of the cosmic play in the case of one woman in relationship with two men.


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Transformation of old patterns is mandatory to become god consciousness; to open oneself to love without receiving anything from outside; the transformation can also attract new partners; to become tired of suffering; to empower others by empowering oneself; in openness everything transforms into light; the masculine exists to claim everything from the feminine; the feminine does not love men but pure consciousness; to destroy each other as separate individuals in a partnership; vehicle for the higher light you know you are; through openness you become the display of love; if you choose truth, the real you can flow; sexual energy comprises the whole creativity of creation; the sexual flow enables the melting into all; sexuality is pure creative energy; melting can happen without contact of the bodies; sexuality comprises the total form and the formless; to participate in a partnership from a place outside the universe; to enter into god consciousness; to deepen into finer and finer realities; true Tantra is about opening more and more and going deeper and deeper.


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Bernie Prior: Sex Free of Me

This Satsang with Bernie Prior happende in 2009. The theme of the evening was: "Sex Free of Me".


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Sex free of me; bipolarity; masculine mind; feminine body; using both polarities; projecting masculine and feminine outside ourselves; the foundation of attraction; not complete individuals; creating a world of sexuality to fill the gap; energy of separation in our psyche; why men and women do not understand each other; terrified of love, god, the source; sex as the only thing to be blamed for our existence; fear of giving us absolutely into love; duality requires us to use ourselves to make sex to relieve us from the pressure of not being true to ourselves; sex makes it clear that we are separate; in true love there is a knowing of the shattering of egoity; previous life disappears in the passion of real love; in real love you flow on and on in unfolding true being; the highest idea of union; sex as relief of egoic tension; thrill of being together; unfolding who we really are; the library of mind; real consciousness flows; being aware of our bipolar nature


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Real love drags to the whole being; unifying ying and yang inside; inside solutions; why fear the union? going through each other; messiness of real love; transcending me and the world; to get into everything; where is god? Love makes you radically new; transcending who we believe we are; not being afraid of doing anything love wants; evolution of deeper aspects of ourselves; challenging fixed perceptions of present societies; creating men and women not free; a new generation of god embodied, heart embodied beings; dissolving all distractions in the fullest love; lifting up into new, higher structures; sex is the refusal to give everything you are to the other; real love; freed consciousness; perceiving higher potentials; huge difference between sex and the making of love;


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Loving from the deepest place; integration of source in body, mind and intellect; experience makes consciousness or love; bodies as instruments of divine love; expressing our unity; new educational systems; manifestation of enlightened societies; need to live it individually; acting what the seed is speaking to you; watering the seed through all of your lives; the loud noise of egoity; offering the small seed to everyone; your sole mate is god and truth in this moment; attraction is about destroying each other; knowing yourself more as love itself, the feminine as the whole of existence; poem; the place of deep mystery; giving yourself selflessly to form; consciousness experience me; free of ego and conditioning in the selfless light of ourselves; need of breakdowns; recognizing the deep in all things; live for the light; give it your life; there is no other; poem; coming out on the other side new.


Bernie Prior: Feeling the Smallest Place of Love Each Moment

This Satsang with Bernie Prior took place in March 2009.


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How to express our ultimate nature? Feeling around the heart area; feeling the smallest place of love; allow the inner voice to flow into the outer place; Bernie’s transformation; inner nourishing source; the more he touched it the more it came in; but only to the space that he gave it; the only way to live life is to surrender to this; twisting in the belly and disturbance of the mind were simply the patterns that he had put in place as egoic entity; the evolution does not stop; innermost experiences come out and inspire what I am to inspire others to what they are; an immense universal potential in every being; and we look for the solutions of life outside; more and more inspiration and a clear direction in life, a more purposeful, meaningful life began to happen; it is all inside of use; it is just that we have to truly listen and action every moment what we know; to be true at any moment, no matter what our mind or our emotional body says as they will force you to life the old way like a robot.


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The responsibility to your own heart, evolution and love; you are the consciousness that created the universe; recognize the smallest amount of love at any moment and let it fully in to you and it will poor into everything; the purpose of embodiment is to give to the whole universe; the man Bernie Prior is the face of being and he is the instrument of the eternal to evolve consciousness and human being ever higher; the first cause principle, the real self is emerging in you; it becomes too painful to be not real; it requires a very, very devoted committed individual to live the real self; we are all responsible for how the universe manifests as our life on earth; recognize your innermost nature and love it; be easy with it, because it is serving a beautiful purpose; if you allow it, it is burning through the distraction of the past; no need to finish suffering; give yourself to the self and this is a great honouring for the people around you who belong to the same self.


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We learnt as little children to close ourselves to experiences we did not want to make; understand ourselves with honesty but without blame; we must come to understanding ourselves; we have to learn to embrace the totality of life; we need to be vulnerable to be whole; we know this place, but we lost it when we came into the body and created a separate sense of self; we must always be connected with the innermost in order it to unfold; everyone’s life is a microcosm of the macrocosm; we are not just singular human beings; the same consciousness in yourself that is creating forms here; the seeds of reality are constantly being fed down to us to create the capacity to know ourselves on finer levels of being; and to bring that power into manifestation; we can move in this world impersonally but as love; meet that true self in each and every individual; bring that opportunity about - individually and collectively; we have living awareness, living love; it must start with me and we must not expect it from others; the tenuous global situation is a door to another place; just see it as a door to another place and go through that door.


Bernie Prior: The Attraction to the Source of Being

This interview took place in March 2009 in Cologne. The questions were asked by Barbara and Jaya.


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Tantra is life. Life is a continued movement of experiences, an unfolding, through the polarities of the masculine and feminine, through mind or matter and expression. Yin and Yang are the basic foundation of the manifest universe: Yang, the masculine principle, as the formless nature of consciousness, Yin, the feminine principle, as that which gives form to that- the earth experience. Yin and Yang are personified principles, endeavouring to be manifest as man and woman. Real Tantra is the understanding that the attraction between man and woman is unfolding what we are in the deep. The true pull in attraction is to manifest the mystery – the deeper potential of both the man and woman that does not yet exist. Most attractions right now in the world are about getting, needing, wanting and sustaining a separate ego relationship and forms. The attraction I speak of takes awareness out of the world and brings it back into what is essentially a God-attraction or Source-attraction. Only then it is evolutionary - revolutionary. God personality begins to be known.  That is the evolution of man and woman. Living this will bring about a profound change of culture and societies and planet.  


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Yin and Yang are one - one circle – one Self. Already complete as the masculine and feminine principle: universal consciousness and universal form. They’re only separate in an undeveloped mind. Real attraction transcends the undeveloped mind and enters the divine mind where man and women are already one. Waiting in the deep are a bright new man and woman ready to be born and to create real, pure forms.  The sun, moon, the stars and the flowers sing about this possibility. Bringing our awareness back into Source will bring the change.  Love is the healing force of the universe – it is what lifts us higher.  The new consciousness crosses all boundaries. Your Being is not interested in what has been, it is only interested in the New – the unknown.  World chaos and fear are a sign that the One is coming. When love is coming towards an individual – it also brings to light the separation. It happens in the individual and is mirrored by the whole of humanity. More light of the One arising within the earth plane – more light shows us our shadows. The energy of the individual we ‘made’ begins to die because we’re not using it anymore. When we fall in love with where we come from, a beautiful surrender happens.  Our innermost being comes up to collect us - pure and passionate about life.


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The heart is the bed of reality, where all the seeds of reality are planted, ready to be nurtured and flowered. When heart and mind are free, a live passion moves.  Creativity is no longer bound by conditioning.  It is natural and spontaneous, flowing from the Absolute into creation, creating completely from freedom.  Everything touched comes directly alive as our pure consciousness.  Every thought is then an expansion that expresses through the heart. The original ’I – thought’ that creates the universe.  Life has nothing to do with who you believed yourself to be.  It has always been about source.  It has always been about our deepest, deepest place within. It’s only ever been about that One – in everyone and in all things.  When you begin to live only for that One, not as an idea in your mind, but as relationship of pure knowingness to any action of thought, feeling or form, you become invisible. You will only see that One everywhere.  That One in many colours – alive in the individuality of pure Being. God-beings, the next phase of human existence.   Beings of living love and awareness.


Interview with Bernie Prior

Love is to Give Everything into the Moment


This interview with Bernie Prior was done by Devasetu in June 2008 in Cologne, translated by Arjuna, Bernie’s manager for Germany.



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Bernie's role in the world, moved by truth and love, the mystery revealing itself, experiencing pure being, the grace when conscious is ready to reveal itself to itself, the pull to something unnameable inside us, love: to give everything to the moment, giving and receiving in totality, the attraction between the male and female polarities, consciousness – nether male or female, to know oneself through relationships, to experience the unity of the formless in form, to fall in the place where existence is profoundly pleasurably, our innermost bliss, the secret of a happy relationship: to love truth more than everything else, what is understood in general as Tantra, to see the partner as temple


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The natural harmony in being together and being separate in a relationship, the transforming of emotions through radical openness, feeling in the depth of the ground of our being, in sex not to go for self-satisfaction, making love as a yogic exercise, when hearts are meeting beyond any you and any me, the harmonising and embodiment of the masculine and feminine principles in men and women, through the true and clean attraction between men and women straight into the heart of source, the spiritual human evolution, the development of the masculine in turns of mind, true understanding without any need for understanding, allowing great love to take over and moving us


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No technique but absolute openness without anybody there, the simplicity of the universe, the moon and the transformation feelings, the effect of the phases of the moon, the difference between a teacher and a master, no students and followers of Bernie Prior, the core misunderstanding of identity, one touch of aliveness, finely stages of spiritual egotism, Bernie’s experiences with masters and the divine mother


Satsang with Bernie Prior

The Truth in the Depth of our Hearts in Every Moment


The Satsang took place in June 2008 in Germany.


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Love manifested as truth in forms, being aware of the sensations of the body and being touched in depth, enjoyment of the vast nothingness, alert inside, when the nothingness touches the consciousness, knowing love beyond all shapes and forms, having enough of personal experiences, being profound honest as consciousness, drinking our innermost heart, infinite change and movement, not to judge oneself or others, on our own in the discovering of our self from moment to moment


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The masculine and feminine principal in awareness, being freed from the conditionality stuck in the mind and body and emotion, becoming aware of subconscious grip, integrating the truth in the depth of our hearts in every moment of our life, no holding back on any level, letting go of who we believe to be and of everything we have collected, the sand Mandala of pure consciousness, letting burn your fear and neediness, living from the innermost point in us moment by moment


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Being heart brakingly open, feeling whatever fear without identifying with this fear, receiving life exactly as it is, the cosmic joke: the source trying to find itself in such great chaos and pain, the primary relationship as consciousness


Bernie Prior

Bernie Prior, realized Tantric Master, is widely recognised as a true spiritual visionary and seer of evolutionary consciousness in man and woman. Bernie has realized the depth of the Self and reached into the core of the Masculine and Feminine Divine Heart. Travelling the globe extensively, he speaks to audiences with penetrating clarity and passion about Truth, Love, Death, the true purpose of the attraction of the Masculine and Feminine and evolving humanity from the belief in separation to the understanding oneness.


Bernie Prior: "I am the Tantric master of Love and Truth, the master that man and woman can come to know within themselves. You come to me when you have had enough of worldly sex, the game that everyone plays until you are truly ready for radical true intimacy. This is the kind of intimacy that feeds the heart and soul of everyone. Sex isn’t just two people putting their bodies together for a good time. Sex is what drives the world, the world of problems, pain and separation from Source. When sex is transformed into Love we begin to reclaim our original identity. True integration of Being as Love then begins to illuminate our life."

More Info about Bernie Prior


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