Here-Now-TV Satsang videos and Interviews online
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Isaac Shapiro: That for which we don't have to do anything

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro von 2018.


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Isaac Shapiro: The Sensations of that Moment

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.


From the content of the video: About sexual desire and behavior that isn't as sweet as it could be; and how does it feel to rest here with Isaac? Nothing needs to be produced, no goal, just see how it is for no reason, just for a moment. All we ever have are the sensations of this moment; is the orientation to enjoy this moment or is it more about enduring this moment or waiting for things to get better? How can we enjoy each other now in this moment? Is it possible to enjoy life? Can we enjoy without a reason? What happens if we start enjoying a little now? And another meeting with Isaac Shapiro, also held on the subject of not being seen properly as a baby and feeling abandoned and existential angst, thank you very much.


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Isaac Shapiro: Love with Every Cell in Our Body

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.

From the content of the video: About a wound energetically in the chest and about the topic of parents and siblings living in the nursing home and the sense of community; and about a heart breaking open and a greater ability to love and sometimes it is very painful. If we had 5 minutes left in our lives, how would you spend those 5 minutes? Exploring how much we can love? 5 minutes of loving with every cell of your body..., and more Satsang with Isaac Shapiro, thank you very much.  


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Isaac Shapiro: You are Just Here and Whatever Comes is Welcome

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.



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Isaac Shapiro: An Exploration of the Total Yes in the Nervous System

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.



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Isaac Shapiro: The Opening of the Heart

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.



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Isaac Shaprio: Stop Waiting for a Better Moment

Meeting with Isaac Shapiro from 2018.



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Isaac and Gaia: Meet the Moment as a Lover

Interview with Isaac Shapiro and Gaia, March 2021, Qestions from Yvonne, Martha und Devasetu.


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Isaac and Gaia: Even the Ego-Identification Happens Without a Doer

Interview with Isaac Shapiro and with Gaia, February 2021, questions by Yvonne, Gaia and Devasetu.

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Isaac Shapiro: How Can I Be at Peace?

Interview with Isaac Shaprio, Nov.. 2020, questions from Gaia and Devasetu.

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Isaac Shapiro: That In Which Everything Appears

Interview with Isaac Shaprio, Oct. 2020, questions from Gaia.


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Isaac Shapiro: A Taste of Gratuitous Love, Peace and Beauty

Martha interviewed Isaac Shapiro in the summer of 2019.


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An invitation to what everyone already knows; deeper and deeper investigation of the unconscious patterns; conditioning already in the whomb, e.g. hence the feeling of having no right to be here; our habits of contracting on many occasions, since birth; when the filters of the conditioning come to consciousness and can be integrated; the conditioned patterns that unconsciously always determine our daily lives, which is taken very personally, in Isaac`s meetings becoming clear that it is the same for everyone; the misconception that there is someone else doing something that upsets us; the experience of limitlessness, no separation, no person; that which we are, is always effortlessly here, perceptible only by the fact that the direction of attention has shifted a little; many different kinds of exploration; learning to deal with it when a trauma comes up; the deepest exploration by asking, ”Who am I?”; is the “normal” person generally traumatized ?; yes, absolutely, very rarely, that someone has no trauma in the background; our human history is not so beautiful; through self-inquiry touching the whole field of humanity – the love story of self-inquiry; the chemical cocktail of every feeling; the opportunity to meet life, that it is beautiful; the discovery of the trauma therapist Peter Lawin, just touching a trauma a bit and then going back to the resources, this very often, then the trauma loses its power; through self-inquiry / investigation everything comes to the surface, a natural process; the healing capacity of simple remark without wanting to change anything; the intention to change something makes a trauma worse; the study of the very subtle movements that have always affected mankind; every suffering carries the potential for some kind of healing, if it is neither believed nor suppressed; an example of a traumatic memory; many feelings where we do not know where they come from, such as the diffuse sense of loss; the experience that a trauma is completely pulled away into silence, without editing; the weird idea that we would have to deal with our traumatic memories alone; helpful the fellowship with other people who are also interested in trauma healing; when in the meetings nothing is sought, but a recognition of the deepening takes place; our ability to perceive the finer layers as our system becomes quieter; no one there who could do anything, life passes suitably to the interest of what is there; a taste of groundless love, peace and beauty, which with luck becomes the most important thing for us ..., and still further interview with Isaac, thank you.

Isaac Shapiro: Feeling the Innocent Openness

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from September 2017.

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Isaac Shapiro: What Do You Have to Do for Nothing?

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from Sept. 2017.

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Isaac Shapiro: Just Only Presence

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from September 2017.


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Isaac Shapiro: The Peace is Already Here

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from September 2017.


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Isaac Shapiro: Innocent, sweet Heart, it loves

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2017.

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Isaac Shapiro: The Quality Inherent in Awareness

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from September 2017.

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Isaac Shapiro: Bringing Attention Back into the Awareness of Ourselves

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2017.

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Isaac Shapiro: Whatever Comes Is Welcome

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2017.

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Isaac Shapiro: Inviting Ourselves in the Most Beautiful Way to Be at Peace

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from summer 2015.

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Isaac Shapiro: THAT, Without a Path

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from summer 2015.

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Isaac Shapiro: Enjoy for No Reason

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2016.

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Isaac Shapiro: Falling in Love with the Unnameable

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2016.


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Feel the heart connection; we all love to be seen and felt; when it is acknowledged that our true nature is awareness; when the movements in our nervous system are noticed by the other; our mutual signals; feeling the perspective of the other and seeing if the other has a choice to be different; being here and gently noticing what is; on the ideas of partnership – a number of explicit and unspoken agreements; speaking of direct experience; finding out what we are; what is in the space between two thoughts?; the nature of experiences is permanent change; the question of what we really are – the unnameable, boundless; recognize that we do not know what is going on; the feeling of the I, a kind of activity that emerges in the unnameable, in the boundless; the false faith that the other is the source of my love; how do we relate to this moment, the only thing we have?; falling in love with the unnameable – the only thing that can not leave us; by receiving giving and by giving receiving; how is it when we live in the way that we care for the well-being of the community in which we are living?; whatever we do not want, we have; the habit of the mind to always produce ideas about what could make us happy.


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Isaac Shapiro: In This Moment Finding That What Does Not Come and Go

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from August 2016.


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The need to be cured of prenatal traumas; the desire to be here; to feel the encounter with Isaac; awareness is simply perceptible – everything happens in awareness; in identification with the body, we speak of being “open“ or “closed”; when the attention is concerned with phenomena that come and go; who identifies with the perceptions?; in deep sleep the perception of “I” disappears – without this preservation there is only empty space; the difference between “what I love to do today” and “what I have to do today”; the idea “to have to feel oneself”; how much percent of the processes in our body are we aware of?; how “safe” can life be on a star-spinning rock?; The idea “to have control over our lives”; in this moment find what does not come and go; awareness is not a feeling; the idea of ​​enlightenment – awareness is always perceptible; the habit of holding on to something; this habit happens; we can not avoid the awareness that is allways here; in awareness everything is happening; how do we get to our conditioning?; those are our “personality” and they do not say anything about us; freedom beyond the idea of ​​enlightenment; by nature experiences are changing from moment to moment; life happens without our intervention; the willingness that being touched can also be painful; how much beauty can we “bear”; noticing that this moment is all that we have; the unhappy idea that life should be different so that we might enjoy it; what does it take to enjoy this moment? To be in astonishment at life as it is; to meet us in the enjoyment of the moment is nourishing; recognize and learn what our system can handle; can love say no? Story from Ramana’s life about his behaviour against burglars; our idea of ​​another man is not this man – there is only awareness that is aware of it; when old conditionings are broken up as a natural process; the awareness is always there, in the centre of everything; the present to be in the presence of someone who invites our body system to settle down, because then again we can see clearly; the tendency of our system to go less and less into the excitement.


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Isaac Shapiro: The Invitation to Our Own Self

This interview with Isaac Shapiro took place in August 2016, the questions of Mira and Devasetu. Thanks to Ayla Bohatsch for translation.


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No spiritual teacher, but an invitation to perceive what is always there; the whole world, an experience that appears in awareness, including our body to the nervous system; the traumas and conditioning, stored in our bodies, act as a filter for our perception; the feeling of the body of being in a safe environment as a prerequisite for the study, who we really are; when the nervous system feels threatened, although there is no real danger; the adoption of the dualistic world view of the parents and thus the tendency to have to defend „me“ against external objects – and in reality we are the totality and everything is in us; the acquisition of the feeling of the parents to be separated and disconnected; any addiction as a compensation for the feeling of being disconnected; the legacy of the traumatic experiences of humanity in everybody; stress, the feeling of not having enough time, life is under pressure, the body's needs are not felt, to other people there is no more kindness, no more contact with nature; stress, a fear-based orientation, which is considered normal; the effort to deliberately relax when the body falls out of stored memories in s survival mode without the real danger; talking with the body; the reactions of the body in survival mode; calming the nervous system in the presence of Isaac in feeling of one another; awareness here now, making experience in the totality that we are; in non-dual awareness perceive no limits; encounters in recognizing that consciousness meets consciousness; the longing to feel connected, and in intimate relationships as well; outspoken and unspoken agreements in relationships; the difference between relationship and simply only to refer to one another; dealing with injuries – and the mostly out of them resulting confusions in relationships; about the saying: “I love you”; about the resonance with other people; flowing love without objects; the whole universe, an experience that emerges in us; what is it with which we feel resonance and what perceives this?; the resonance with different teachers, gurus; the invitation to our own self; if the desire is there to give the authority to someone else; in what Isaac says, recognizing our own knowledge; security in respect for the signals of the other; the interest to come together in beautiful way – love loves himself; consciousness itself is not to perceive; consciousness, independently of our attention; the energetic invitation in being together, that everything is okay; the interest to go deeper; lives life all of us; the joy of meeting us like that.


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Isaac Shapiro: Initiation into the Nondual Consciousness – No Limits, only Beauty, Silence, Peace, Infinity

This meeting with Isaac Shapiro is from summer 2015.


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Meeting in Satsang and seeing what will be said; being aware of the space where anything can happen; appreciating everything that wants to happen; nothing to change and nothing to cling to; letting the mind active and letting the emotions be there – nothing needs to be changed; about trong physical pain; changes happen by itself, without us having to do anything; no boundary between consciousness and experience; do not lose the sense of humor; also value rising anger; too much work to look for the reasons for a disease; look for the best kind of attention that you can give to the other; if you had only five minutes left to live...; enjoying each other to the maximum; feeling the intelligence of the whole in their own power; Ramana's statement, when he died: “Where could I go to?”; taking care to our bodies, but not being identified with this too much; not being caught in any experience; which is now awakened from the dream?; when everything is already there; beautifully here now – not even the palpitations is bothering; when no limits are more felt to the other person and that's beautiful; initiation into nondual consciousness – no limits, only beauty, silence, peace, infinity; peceiving Isaacs invitation and feel it as an experience; no distance to this experience; for one second loving this moment, including Isaacs presence; encountering people in their essence; when inward pressure is felt and this appears to be stress; about automatic habits in everyday life; meeting Isaac in the most beautiful possible way and feel it; if closeness with Isaac is felt and at the same time rejection against him; sticking to onesown energy and enjoying it; the naturalness to feel no limits, this is no loud thing, but it is still; feeling the other as in oneself and the beauty of it; meeting Isaac in small steps; all perceptions are information that appears in our consciousness, and the habit of perceiving that this in a different way – playing with this and in meeting with Isaac; being caressed by the whole, by the totality, and caressing back – actually quite simple and very enjoyable; we love to love, even mort as to be loved; the beauty when love and being loved is in balance.


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Isaac Shapiro: Encounter This Moment as the Lover

This Satsang with Isaac Shapiro is from June 2015. Thanks to Martha for filming.


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The energy of the universe is our energy; our experiences say anything about us; our experiences come and go and change constantly; identification happens when we are engaged in experiences; everything we have is the experience of the here and now; we often want different experiences than those who are just there; feel into himself to see if there is a waiting is perceived – a waiting to be loved, to be kissed etc; we can either wait for a different experience or we can make love the whole universe; if we wait, we lose everything; just be there, no problem; encountering each other deeply without borders; to feel into oneself how it is to encounter at this moment as a lover; freedom from freedom; paying attention to each other; to direct less attention to what is painful, but on what is natural and beautiful; we use concepts to protect us, but concepts cannot protect us, they just take our energy; reactions happen automatically and unconsciously, they come from our beliefs and ideas; as long as you want to get rid of something, there is no chance to get in friendship with it and thus to come in peace with it; if there is no sense and no meaning, then there is no good and no bad, no wrong and no right; about the impatience, if you wish to change something and thereby proceed quickly, then prefer to go very, very slowly; we are that in which the time is appearing, time is an experience.


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Isaac Shapiro: Awakening is the Realization of What Has Always Been

This interview was conducted by Marta with Isaac Shapiro in June 2015.


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About the question of whether self-exploration is necessary for awakening; self-inquiry is not necessary, but it is one of the best ways; with awaking nothing happens, it is a recognition of what has always been; who you are, you always were; awareness is much more subtle than the perception; since there is only space, many things are happening, including the unrest, but it has no meaning; it has never really something happened; to let go of all concepts, which I think; before awaking there was wood chopping and carrying water and after awaking there is chopping wood and carrying water, nothing has changed; Dualism, the perception of separation is a habit of attention;, when the quality of our mutual attention is not addressed by the current circumstances, then nourishing for our system is happening; there is no right and no wrong way, it’s just a beautiful dance; about the dark night of the soul; if our system begins to relax, then all the energies and themes come from our ancestors and our childhood to the surface and which may for some people represent a large and intense challenge; it’s not about to feel good, but it to be the space in which everything appears; if we take the moment not personally, then a detachment is happening instead; “Life is a fatal disease that is transmitted through the sexuality”; life is not the body, but life takes place in the body.


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Isaac Shapiro: Receiving this Moment as a Kiss

This meeting happened in May 2012. Thanks Martha for filming it!


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Isaacs questions lead me to directions, I never thought of; mostly we are busy with the sensations and overlook the awareness; like we feel the weather we can feel the climate of the people around us; trusting the mind is trusting mistrust; meeting directly and sweet, vulnerable and honest; Is it save to meet me?; the body is not used to meeting deeply; If you meet me fully, is there still the capacity to say no? That´s important. When you drive a car you have to see that the brakes work!; distinction between being love and being in love; you want to trust your own seeing, not what I say, because there can be something in me that is not clear; it is totally fine to make mistakes because we are exploring and learning; attraction is something that is confusing for most people; to receive this moment as a kiss: kissing and drinking; way before we become aware of the decision we make, the decision is already made, this is result of scientific research; that which is looking through these eyes is the same as that which is looking through those eyes; respecting boundaries; we often haven´t learned and developed clear boundaries, our capacity to say yes or no is often confused; if we don´t have healthy boundaries, how does this play in life?; unconsciously wanting and expecting: when we are born our nervous system is not complete, it completes itself in contact with our caregivers, if we don´t get correct contact and attention it cannot complete itself, so, unconsciously there is a looking for a nervous system that is complete to complete itself. How to reconcile that? Gentle honouring of the wanting and needing in the system; if emotional hurt happens it is an opportunity to get in touch with our unconscious wanting and needing; when we gently explore what the needs and wants are, without making them wrong or bad, but just being the space for them, we are in the process of bringing them to peace; Somatic Experiencing: it has nothing to do with understanding, it has to do with these movements that happen in the body, and they affect our focus of attention which affects our experience of life.


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Isaac Shapiro: This Life as Love Affair with Everything

This meeting happened in May 2012. Thanks Martha for filming it!


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Time of fast changes; stress, the feeling of not having enough time and being under pressure; checking the feeling of not having enough time and how one treats the body, other humans and nature; the strong believe that stress helps us survive; the possibility of living as if the moment was the kiss of the beloved; this moment – all we have; the strange habit of waiting for a better experience; love, peace, beauty, ecstasy – only in this moment; the question if there can anything be done to be her; increasingly faster changes in life; what prevents us from enjoying the moment, from drinking it; the experience of now inside us; enjoying this moment without any reason – how much enjoying is allowed? The terrible feeling of not being able to help the dying mother;  to become clear in which form help is possible; when loved is mistaken with caring for someone; helping oneself or someone else simply by loving oneself or the other; the preference of mind to worry about problems; investigating what mind actually is, thoughts; no real help, taking care; the possibility to do the practical things without being worried; how being worried feels; recognizing that being worried and loving are not the same; helping just by being present without wanting anything; the question of how to handle moments of pain, when life is not so beautiful and sweet; when experiencing pain is rejected; the wisdom of asking the right person at the right moment if she or he can be present in love; when we have always the idea we had to solve it on our own; living this life as love affair with everything – beautiful for oneself and for others; when in a certain situation shouting is necessary because the others do not listen due to their stress; the huge progress of recognizing and acknowledging being excited; Isaac’s experience with physical pain; how the thought „I do not want to feel this pain right now“ intensifies the pain; recognizing what happens as a possibility of relaxing into it – even pain.


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Isaac Shapiro: Only interested in THAT

This interview was done by Marta with Isaac Shapiro in May 2012.


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Spoken over here, heard over there – by one and the same; the functioning of language by presenting all in objects, but this moment is just an experience in consciousness without any limits; our habits, where we direct our attention, influenced by our conditioning and the feeling of having lost IT; consciousness, always here, noticing the movements in our consciousness like the painful focusing on the apparent me, which nobody is doing but which is just happening; the misbelieve, that we are producing identification with our self; the habit of believing in our perceptions, feelings and thoughts; our automatic, unconscious habits, who is „doing“ them? How difficulties simply disappear through clear seeing; assistance by the questions: „Who is aware of it?“ and „Who am I?“ – no method because one cannot get anywhere through these questions; when the experience of now is occupied by fear caused by traumata and there is the feeling that all is about surviving and we function through our reptile brain; recognizing when this happens, that this comes from an old conditioning in the womb of the mother or from early childhood; ways of reconnecting us; simply understanding what is happening and honoring this movement and feeling into it; the luck of sharing life with humans who have the same interest in truth. 


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If the teacher represents something that should be achieved; the capability of being together without wanting to change anything in the other person; seeing clearer in being together; the direct knowledge that the experience of the whole universe is happening inside me; the capability of differentiating what is good for me and what is not good for me; the story of Buddha when he does not accept the present of anger and rage against him; maintaining the capability of saying „no“ even when living in love; the difficulty of saying „no“ when the „no“ comes with hardness and friction arises; the capability of living naturally out of our own inner place; non-duality, the totally direct knowing and feeling that there is no separation – and yet there is the capability of feeling until which limits we are feeling well with something; when humans do no longer feel that they are suffering; hope and the flipside of it: depression; the balancing act between „this is the way life actually is“ and the imagination „this is how life should be“; being only interested in THAT – also because nothing else works anymore; verifying for oneself, better than listening to the truth; the automatic movement of getting rid of pain; what if it is not seen consciously what is created by the feeling of an apparent „me“; finding out carefully where there is resistance against what actually is happening and honoring this resistance; the joke when the ego wants to get rid of the ego; Isaac’s motivation to give Satsang in Germany; heart connection with the humans.


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Isaac Shapiro: The Secret Consists of Being Perceived

This Satsang with Isaac Shapiro took place at the 18. Rainbow Spirit Festival in June 2011 in Munich in Germany.


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Looking at what is; just feeling her, feeling it; you could not return to this moment at all if you had not left it; attention, perceiving precisely and seeing and perceiving the patterns that are playing; seeing how the whole system calms down; unconscious patterns – conditioning that has become a filter; it is not so easy to recognize these filters; when you perceive this moment and the habits that are running; becoming aware of this and it becomes silent; we feel each other, sensing the field in your body and leading it back to peace time and again; perceiving completely softly and the system relaxes on its own.


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The secret consists of being perceived; the presence of other people means everything; being present with yourself here; strong emotions and the nervous system; can you simply be with yourself? Totally softly be with you here? Intimacy, deep silence, a deep understanding; we are sharing the same space; how can you help me in this moment? How can I help you? How can we help each other? There is no pre-assembled recipe; the word compassion, be compassionate; being compassionate with me.


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Each conditioning we are carrying in us, is being transmitted; living in a beautiful way with each other; all is connected; it is not about “doing something”, it is a love affair; the stuff of this universe is love; the education of our children and the difficulties we are having with ourselves; when our inner relaxes slowly we can perceive much more clearly; when we try to be good we end up in stress; habits, our interest when something new happens.


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Isaac Shapiro: Our Attention can just Rest Here Now

This Satsang with Isaac Shapiro took place at the 18. Rainbow Spirit Festival in June 2011 in Munich in Germany. 


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Noticing body sensations, no right no wrong; noticing stillness and sound; our perception and how is this moment really? Our sensations can change very rapidly; the perspective of awareness and the perspective out of the habits of our attention; outward circumstances and seeing that suffering in the body can be created by way our attentions focuses; awareness is always present, totally independent of everything; pure presence after awakening; the “I”-feeling a reference activity; who is doing this activity? John Lennon: “life is what happens to us while we are busy to make other plans.”


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Life happens and from a specific perspective it appears that we could make decisions; awareness, a recognition; what is the purpose of tension? The feeling of control; the habit to tense up; past, future and now there is no problem; focus creates the world that you live in; no matter what appears: who is aware of it? I am; who am I? Taking attention to awareness; who or what moves our attention now? Here, now our attention can just rest.


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Movement, thought, action; automatic sequences and can we ever know what is the right decision? What does “right” mean? How do decisions happen? What does responsibility mean? We think we have a choice; do we choose to be angry and aggressive? Until maturing happens; investigating we start seeing that it is never about someone; unconscious behavior patterns in which we find ourselves again; it feels personal but it is impersonal; what is the unconscious pattern based on?


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Our ideas, our filters, what is the purpose of life; unlimited perception of yourself; patterns give us a sense for orientation and the price is a prison; no criteria for decision making; the view on the world, like we were conditioned and with luck, we awaken; one moment can change your life; an interest which comes into your life; the flavor of life beyond mind; what can I do? And the insight: there is nothing you could do; the perception of what was always true; from the perspective of awareness nothing has to be done; I am what I am; this moment is all we have; if we want to have a different experience we refuse the only thing we have; nobody would do that consciously; vibrating and oscillating.


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Isaac Shapiro: When You Find Enjoying, Each Cell Becomes Alive

This Satsang with Isaac Shapiro took place at the 18. Rainbow Spirit Festival in June 2011 in Munich in Germany.


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Noticing sensations in the body; noticing that you are here, experiencing ourselves in this moment, the body, the world; we cannot perceive without consciousness; consciousness is here; the whole universe appears in it; enjoying this moment; what happens with thinking? Consciousness and sensations in this moment; focussing and meeting; stress and the feeling not to have enough time; how do we treat ourselves and others when we are stressed? Focussing on stress and which field we generate; which habits play within us? What is required to shift this attention? Looking without focussing.


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Stress, a habit; relaxing, stopping; meeting this moment like the beloved; how beautifully we can treat each other finally? Being happy, being in peace, without doing anything; truth can only be here in this moment; the interest in presence; being present – from the perspective of consciousness and from the perspective of habits; enjoying this moment, just being and exploring, contemplating our habits, physical pain and existential fear, an excellent opportunity to sense what is; tender surveying, exploring; the moment and the idea of acceptance; conditioning in our cells; the strong tendency to hide and wanting to come out of it; the automatic unconscious habits of our cells; what does it tell about you?


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What do unconscious habits tell about us? The big tendency of self accusation; it makes seeing difficult; to find a way of enjoying this moment; what makes this moment enjoyable? Living consciousness, attention, relaxing; changing the attitude, being curious; when you find enjoying, each cell becomes alive; it is not really a decision but interest; stress and being upset; which chance do we have to bring it to peace? It is about a love affair; you are a gourmet of life; love can say “no”; healthy shame, corrections, deep shame; staying connected despite saying “no” is a beautiful art.


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Isaac Shapiro: Feeling Safe and Consciousness is Still Here

This meeting took place in June 2011 in Hamburg, Germany.


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Agression and the capacity to say no; not to mix up consciousness with the nervous system; honoring what is going on at the level of the body; most of us have never learnt to say no; how can we learn to respect our own signals? We have a right for our boundaries; honor them; value them; what happens? Walls, boundaries; just a structure – what is, what was its function? Structures serve and served; seeing structures and feeling them in your body; and asking yourself, do I need them now in this moment? I servived without these structures.


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Just being in excitement; how do we meet? Meeting with every cell; sensing the whole universe as our beloved; is it possible to live like that; having to move; what a burden and oh, how exciting; now something new is coming, we don’t know what it is good for; what do you really love? Is there any reason which would be worth to stop this enjoying? Isaac Shapiro talks about his expierence of having to move; vibrations, which create life.


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Allowing the eyes to go out of focussing, just resting them; only letting the light in; how does that feel? What would your system need to feel safe? Feeling safe and consciousness is still here.


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Isaac Shapiro: To Meet Each Other in the Most Beautiful Way

This meeting with Isaac took place in Juni 2011 in Hamburg, Germany.


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When the system moves to get away from a feeling; noticing the feeling very gently; taking time and rest to be; noticing where the body is still working hard; calming down and getting more sensitive and feeling deeper; allowing everything which appears and giving space to it, relating to this moment as something wonderful; seeing where it looks like we had a choice.


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We inquire what is true in your own experience; interests come and go; when you are in deep sleep, do you have a choice there? Following what is true for you; the impression that we personally do something; what is it, who is it that does something? When the system goes into argument, into distance, away from the sweetness; when there is a mechanism playing, which is painful for you; what is the fuel for the mechanism? Staying aware of this team here while speaking; to meet each other as beautiful as possible.


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How sweet can we meet each other? Giving space to what is happening in the system, honoring it, hurt in the system and the system does not know how to handle it; the system decides to rather be in the patterns than in the pain; what is the difference between pain and feeling hurt? Everything appears here now; conversation and there is another whole conversation happening from nervous system to nervous system; the sense of being held. The tissue and the information, to really relax; so many different possibilites of experiences.


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What is the difference between knowing and mind? How can you care for yourself? Exploring how it is to hold yourself as a child; to meet yourself in your own eyes from where you are now; the memory in the tissue of your body; consciousness and the boundaries of the person; the sense of ourselves; holding back; the intelligence.


MP3 audio files


Isaac Shapiro: Working With the Nervous System, Not Fighting Against It

This meeting with Isaac took place in Hamburg, Germany, in June 2011.


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Resting as awareness, the space for all experience; notice the habit, how your nervous system relates to it; to meet the moment as if it were the most beautiful sunny day; what does that do to you? Meeting other people; ask yourself, if you have a choice; a piece of family drama; notice when a deep pain gets touched; it needs its time until it calms down; space to be upset; com-passion; patterns play, the nervous system and resistance; does this resistance really serve not to be hurt again? Seeing the mechanism.


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Friendships, appreciation and giving up to repair the relationships; what do we usually try? It is good to know what doesn’t work; to meet the moment like the beloved; being the space for others to be as they are; to shift from the focus that there is something to repair; pain is based on feeling hurt; when hurt has happened, what brings it to peace? Blame; fight, flight or freeze; slowing down and closely observing; clarity about what is going on; to notice tendencies; where does this pain come from?


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Ideas how something should be; we have different ways to see things; if „being hurt“ is unconscious, who does it? When I believe that I do it, then there are blame, shame and guilt; unconsiousness acted and the interest to bring it to peace; if we are not confused around it, there is a chance; what brings these mechanisms to peace? When the system has calmed down, getting clear what happened; exploring; a friend who can tell us that our system is activated; the presence to be with it.


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We use the mind to notice what is going on; the mind is useful to have an overview; the interest to come out of pain; what is included so that hurt can happen? What is this upset about? To bring it to peace, curiously, with interest; exploring what is it? Not to repair it, to get rid of it; what is available to start investigating it? The willingness to be gentle in these sensations; the kind of wisdom the system develops; a learning, what does the system really need? Working with the nervous system, not fighting against it.


MP3 audio files


Isaac Shapiro: To Meet Totally Fresh

This meeting with Isaac took place in Hamburg, Germany, in June 2011.


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To feel the nervous system, just being with the sensations; a communication from nervous system to nervous system, sometimes the nervous system moves in baby steps and that is beautiful; resonance and to be overwhelmed; your system gets the information it needs; in a field, where you can be as you are, that is so healing and your system responds; the recommendation of Somatic Experiencing (SE) work.


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What do you see when you look into my eyes? Eternity and width, fear and curiosity; deeper; what am I and what are you? Unfathomable, I am everything and everything is one; to see the divine in all eyes.


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What do you experience? What do you seek? What is the difference between meeting with an expectation or totally fresh? No ideas, no thoughts, no expectations; bare of all belief; just to let everything for a moment; what is the nature of your mind when you are just like that? Innocence, a baby does not name anything; who are you? Believing or knowing is a big difference; from here is there any seeking? Belief and worries; we are here, fresh, like a baby; nothing to believe, nothing to do, no effort, just here; and now don’t pick up anything more, rest in it; you do not have to run anywhere, you stay home.


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Isaac Shapiro: Let Us Meet

This meeting with Isaac took place in Hamburg, Germany, in June 2011.


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What happens to your problem in deep sleep? The problem, a thought and a feeling; create the problem right now and watch the way, you do it; have a look, if it is possible to do nothing; not stiring up a single thought, keep quiet; do not do anything; being very watchful; no problem, as long, as you don’t do anything; total rest, but be watchful; like a cat in front of the mouse-hole; there is consciousness, and now realize, what takes place in your nervous system; the way, meeting takes place; everything good is here, and there is the body’s habit, to do what it wants.


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Who am I? Let us meet and speak from the deepest source; that, which does not have beginning and ending; it needs an entire universe to take a single breath; the habit, to create a feeling of separation; looking through a filter, forgetting the totality; a completely different universe than living in this narrow perspective; more transparent, more sensitive, more vulnerable; drinking the universe, embracing, kissing; What is stress? Which way would you act stress?


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Stress, an automatic habit, very hard to make it conscious; stress, a mental activity; fight, flight or freeze; how sincere is it? Created by an illusion; What does ‘true’, ‘real’ mean? A different perspective of the same word; every information is sitting in our system, until it leaves in peace; unlucky heroes; a field of attention, which does good to all of us; feeling into the intelligence, no need to think and the mind gets quiet; feel each other; an invitation for your nervous system; flowing over, a new, very beautiful river; all is included.


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Feeling the field of attention; drinking each other, receiving, being welcome; being loved unconditionally; let this information into your body, your system.


MP3 audio files


Isaac Shapiro: Enjoy the entirety, the totallity

This meeting with Isaac took place in Hamburg on June 2011.


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Explore, if it is possible, to explore from here; not from the head; the difference between the problem I am having and I was having; to perceive from the heart; it simply is shifting the focus; where is consciousness now? What is that, which perceives? What is consciousness? What answers this question? The difference between ‚I do not know‘ and ‚It can not be known‘; what would be your name for consciousness? The name for the nameless.


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What do we need to be this consciousness, this room? Is it possible to be present as consciousness and to be conscious of everything appearing in it? Which way can we talk about it? The body is an experience, it responds to the field of information it is moving in; something like fear is present, give it respect, give space to it, simply feel it and tell me, what it is; then ask it: what is your task? Does it help you to survive in this moment? You survived without it; drink this moment with this vulnerability; what does it do with us, when we talk about the past, as I f we knew, that future will be the same way?


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Always be in this moment, where else can we be? Simply look at or relate; staying in the heart and yet making plans; stay in consciousness and speak; find a gesture for consciousness; What is it like, not being in peace with it? The point of view of your nervous system and the point of view of consciousness; embrace information like the kiss of the beloved; receive everything as the beloved; enjoy deeply; there is only one job and there is no beginning and no ending; no job, more like a privilege; embracing and enjoying the entirety, the totality.


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A strong feeling; feel it; a strong experience, and it is not too much.


MP3 audio files


Isaac Shapiro: To Taste This Moment Subtly

This Satsang with Isaac took place in June 2011.


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To enjoy your system in this moment and to notice enjoying; to taste this moment subtly; to enjoy with each cell of your body; to surrender life, you never had it; sensing, where is this urge for security in your body? Vibration, like radiation; look if it helps you to survive; vibration and its purpose? With this frequency in your nervous system you never had a choice.


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Who would you be without this radiation? Everything lost but survived; what can we really hold? What does trust really mean? Either we trust or we trust mistrust and what does it give us? Consciousness independent of everything; trust, a topic for the nervous system; the story of the army and the monastery; can your nervous system sense anywhere: “Okay, thank you, this is a beautiful life”?


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Meeting with you is such a pleasure; all can be; experiencing countryside and the city; to sense the parents completely differently than before; the old bike with the label; what is the absolute maximum of enjoying? The beauty of sitting here in a way that everything is noticed; how deep can we love each other in every cell? A Ramana story; relaxing.


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To sense into the body; is there a place in your body which works very hard? To question the location, if this helps; soft exploring and noticing; fear comes on its own and goes on its own; in the time between is a very beautiful, deep resonance; what a relief; the past is gone, we cannot change it; be aware and take care that you do not project the past into the future again.


MP3 audio files


Isaac Shapiro: Peace is Bigger

This Satsang with Isaac took place in June 2011


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It is about learning, what is more important than being happy? Peace fear, a feeling; let it be as big as it wants to be, without making it big; to allow space for sadness; peace is bigger; refusal and what it tells us about us; how old do you feel in this moment? Feeling, the gravity of the body; to include the body; our bodies communicate with each other, to play with each other.


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A play with the engeries; feeling safe; feeling connected with nature; judgement and the feeling to be controlled; unconscious patterns and injuries; how does it feel not being free, not being as you are? To push the buttons, and what exactly buttons are? Pain and associated desires; to make the unconscious conscious; the desire to be loved; the feeling of not being loved and the endless loop of it.


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When one had enough and does not want to live any longer; helplessness when you are not clear; a state of conflict; there is a desire; “suicide”, a judging expression; no chance to say “thank you”; conditioning; it is interesting to look at conditioning; someone asks you for something – is it okay to say “no” or not? Explore what you want.


MP3 audio files


Isaac Shapiro: How Deeply Can We Live This Moment as a Love Affair?

This Satsang with Isaac took place in June 2011 in Hamburg.


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Feeling each other; all happens in consciousness; our awareness has to widen in order to feel it; change at every moment; the perfect lover for you; shower of love; the body in this energy field; the normal situation, we want to defend; I do not want that anybody feels what I feel; an experiment: to allow everybody in the room to feel me; welcome to my world; to be overwhelmed by too much information; to honor resistance tenderly; what is happening here? What is playing here? That is how it can unfold; patterns, feeling how the nervous system is organized.


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Phases of the development of our nervous system; correction and not being held; the moment of shame and the loss of the feeling for borders; the loss of ourselves; isolation and deep longing to connect oneself; expectation of being refused; refusal and shame; shame of the secret private world; mechanisms and patterns, to feel that our system is supported. 


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The conscious invitation into my world; the beauty of being so relaxed; the system can move in a very short moment; when we push; cell phones and laptops, electricity and our life; with new technologies our habits change; we live in unbelievable times; and we are here; two possibilities: ouw or wow; is it possible to live in a love affair? How deeply can we live this moment as love affair?


MP3 audio files


Isaac Shapiro: Whatever has to Come to Peace will Come to Peace

This interview was done by Martha with Isaac in June 2011 in Hamburg. 

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This interview was done by Martha with Isaac in June 2011 
Enlightenment is a concept; two perspectives we can live through: as awareness in which all appears or as separate me; as awareness there just is this; from the perspective of me it looks like there is somewhere to get; the “I” does not exist, it is just a feeling; in the morning after awakening a referencing mechanism starts up; a contraction in the morning; a habit of focus; the “I” can be seen for what it is; a mirage, which is believed in; the mechanisms of believing; everybody can see awareness; the interest to live it is another question; life lives itself out of a dualistic perspective, with fear and separation; communication without a person; enquiry into persons we believe to know well; awareness is not an experience; a different way of looking; boundaries disappear; the feeling of separation comes from a habit of focus; who is the seer? Birth and death are only experiences; awareness is beyond the senses; we cannot say what awareness is; “Who am I?” is a means to bring attention to awareness; resting without any effort; peace, no trouble, no boundaries; self enquiry.


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How automatic and unconscious all is; ever changing experiencing; most people are waiting for a better experience; being present with what is and not with what we would like to have; thinking slows down or stops; the habit of contraction and problem solving mechanisms stabilize the feeling that it is not okay the way it is; does this contraction help me to survive? The experience to survive even though the system relaxes; the language of the nervous system is different to the language of the intellect; very important to feel contraction in the body; what is a teacher? No teaching; pointing no teaching; informing about how it already is; beyond the searching; investigation on all the different ways the mind fools us; this is facilitated by being with people who have the same interest; exploration which benefits to all; enquiry can only help to see the hindrances.


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The story of the lion; not knowing that something else is available; more people to the way and become more mature; rather ask questions than give answers; unconscious patterns and no choice; the believe in choice creates the tendencies to blame and confusion; identification happens unconsciously; as maturing happens identification is seen through quickly and not believed in; speaking the words the hearts want to hear; if there is resistance it feels terrible; when enough trust is built the system will come into peace; the deeper the honouring of where the persons are, the more it builds trust; fear based madness on this planet; a quick shift would be possible using modern communication technologies; if everything would resonate with what is true this earth could be a paradise; being at ease is the best chance we have.


MP3 audio files


Satsang with Isaac Shapiro

Living Every Moment as the Most Beloved! 


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This moment – all we have, the habits where we put our focus, waiting for a better experience, to be really here, the experience of our body, the change of the field we are all in by changing our focus, habits becoming conscious, to think we and the others are responsible for our conscious or unconscious patterns, the capacity of consciousness to function unconsciously, the change of the sense of our self and life and the change of our nervous system by changing our focus, looking from the sense of awareness, living the moment as the beloved and the impact of that on our body cells, the sweetest time moment by moment, the softening of the atmosphere in the room


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Fear because of the conditions the world is in causing contraction or tension in our system, no esoteric philosophy but direct experiences, the habit to go into waiting, contracting because of the waiting habit, body pain because of the mess in the world and a yes for it, the wish of the mind to be convinced, narrowing the focus by the sense of me, the believing in efforts and pushing, living in a flow of interest, wanting peace in the world and noticing what is going on in me, the idea of working on myself  in order to change and the violence in it


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Strengthening the sense of me by "working on me", an Australian joke, seeing what is hurting us,  to live what is unconscious becoming conscious, recognizing what works and what does not work, the idea: "I have to remember what has changed" and the stress out of it, listening from the place trying to get something and listening open to the sounds of the words and open for what we already know, the habit how we are focusing our eyes, it is now and now and now, relaxing in the deliciousness of now, the danger of giving It a name


Introduction to a Retreat with Isaac Shapiro

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Being in silence, consciously experiencing the moment, sensorial perceptions; effortless, boundless awareness; unconscious strain


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The universe in one’s perception, habits, attention, The Now as the beloved, happiness


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Happiness independent of circumstances


Satsang with Isaac Shapiro

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(Isaac invited the speaking person to sit on his chair)


Pain, relaxation, Leela, the universe, where everybody lives; "pray for" or "pray" - a big difference



Isaac Shapiro

Isaac Shapiro was born in Johannesburg (South Africa) in 1950, trained as a therapist in the USA and studied intensely the workings of the human mind.


At the age of 19 Isaac had his first experience of unconditional love and recognized it as "the Reality". In 1991 he met the mystic Sri Poonjaji in Lucknow, India, who after one year confirmed that Isaac had "found the diamond" and encouraged him to share his wisdom with people.


Since 1993 Isaac tours the world giving Satsang and lots of people come to his meetings, attracted by his quiet, down-to-earth manner, non judgmental attitude, his openness and unconditional love.


More Info about Isaac Shapiro 


Last Updated: May 2023, 4th 
